Coaching is a partnership between the client(s) and a coach that is tailored to what the client(s) wants to work on, and focused on helping the client(s) achieve their goals, which inevitably leads to greater life satisfaction and contentment.

Coaching is for people who are ready to take action to change aspects of their lives that they’re unhappy about. Typically, people seek coaching because they have a place in their lives where they feel stuck and need support to move forward. A person is ready for coaching when they  that they feel “stuck” and need a boost to get “unstuck.” The most important part is that the client(s) is ready to take action and not just talk about what they would like to change.
Both coaching and counseling have client growth as their end goals, but coaches and counselors work toward this goal differently. Coaching begins where the client(s) is(are)  currently and looks ahead, supporting the client(s) as they work towards their goals, while overcoming obstacles and limiting mindsets along the way. Counseling looks to the past and often seeks a diagnosis to help their client(s) deal with trauma, in order to help them heal, and recover.
I offer coaching packages for individuals and couples. lease book a free consultation call to find out the costs, and to decide which coaching package is right for you.
My coaching sessions typically happen via zoom or by phone. Individual sessions last between 45 minutes to an hour, while sessions with couples can be as long as an hour to an hour and 30 minutes. Throughout the conversation, I ask intentional questions to help my clients communicate what they want to work on, help them consider their needs within this context from varying perspectives, and support them while they form an action plan to meet their goals.

I believe my clients are creative and resourceful, and most importantly, I believe my clients are able to hear what the Holy Spirit wants to speak to them in regards to their area of concern. My role as a coach is to create a space for Spirit-led wisdom to rise to the surface throughout our conversations.